Saturday, January 8, 2011

...about those loves notes! (Secret #1)

Oh Lini, those lovenotes. They totally made me laugh! Why, you ask? I can guarantee you that if I come home and there's a yellow post-it on a kitchen cabinet, it doesn't say "I love you sweetie pie", but rather "on a SWAT call" or "did you pick up toilet paper?".

Does this mean I feel less loved than Lini?

Well, at times, YES. And those are the times when I'm being really unfair to the Husband. Some men are demonstrative in their love, some are more of the "well, I'm married to you" variety. And while I'm sure we'd all love the former, the latter is ok too! We just have to change our Cinderella story to match our reality, not the world's.

But I did give a not-too-subtle hint to the Husband about the notes. Let's see if I have any luck. :)

How about the rest of you? Love notes? No loves notes? How do YOU know he loves you?

Do tell...

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